Search, Filter & Sort to Find the Perfect Activity Idea for your Program Needs
Fun mind-reading lateral-thinking exercise for groups.
Revealing get-to-know-you exercise using a common prop.
Simple & wonderfully random strategy to invite sharing.
Interactive partner exercise to explore different personas.
Dozens of fun & engaging ways to arrange groups in...
Strategies that facilitate early engagement & interaction.
Exhausting variant of a classic team-based wide game.
Simple, yet powerful jumping exercise for pairs.
Dynamic expansion of a classic spotting skills exercise.
Active guessing game to sharpen observation skills.
Simple processing exercise using alphabet letter set.
Playful & challenging task for pairs & small groups.
Hilarious small group initiative to inspire creativity.
Highly interactive ice-breaker, energiser & team event.
Simple, interactive ice-breaker with many variations.
Highly energetic tag game which inspires collaboration.
Fun & intriguing word & letter game for small groups.
Suspenseful group exercise to sharpen observation skills.
A classic, highly interactive tag game with longevity.
Playful & secret passing game with many surprises.
Very simple energiser that's ideal for all group sizes.
Creative, highly energetic & enduring tag game.
Extremely playful & energetic make-believe tag game.
Challenging group initiative with many permutations.
Download our free 28-page ebook jam-packed with outrageously fun activity ideas.
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